Thursday, May 17, 2007

Advance Preparation

One of the best things to do before coming to Florence (as well as Siena, Pisa, and Venice) is to decide on something you personally want to see, to read up on it, and prepare to understand it.

Let's say, for example, that you prefer sculpture to paintings and you'd like to see a really good collection. The Bargello Museum on Via del Proconsolo 4 is much less crowded than other museums in Florence (see photo above). Find out where it is located, what things are worth seeing, and add this information to your blog.

How about a museum devoted to everyday life in the city of Florence itself? Try the "Firenze com'era" museum on Via dell'Oriuolo 24 (tel. 055.2616545) that has maps and pictures of "Florence as it used to be." Included are images of the ghetto before it was destroyed.

Perhaps you've had enough of indoor museums and would like to spend an afternoon up in the hills walking around; Fiesole is a beautiful little town with its own attractions. Find out how to get there and what to see, and list it on your blog.

You can be even more specific: pick one statue or painting or bridge or church or monument that you found especially interesting, and read up about it before you come. Be prepared to share with the rest of us.

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